
Customer Care No.

Kidney illustration


For administration of hyperosmolar solutions, measuring CVP, plasmapheresis, rapid infusion of Fluid among other uses.

Acent provides the benefit of polyurethane catheter which is soft, kink resistant, extremely biocompatible with excellent wear properties and elastic memory.

Three separate non-communicating vascular access lumens within a single catheter body.

Proximal lumen for blood sampling, medications and blood administration. Distal lumen for CVP monitoring, blood administration, medications.

Medial lumen exclusively for total parenteral nutrition. Reduces the necessity for multiple venepunctures.

Exit ports of individual lumens are separated by appropriate distance in proportion to the catheter’s French size.

Coaxial catheter design maximizes inner diameter of central lumen for high flow capacity.

Range of introducer needles diameters and lengths allow selection according to application